I have recently been using Kafka. Kafka-Train is a list of tools that I have found useful, as well as tools that I have created myself. I wrote docker-compose file to get it up and running immediately, so if you want to run & manage Kafka for now, this is a good choice.

This docker-compose file has been put together in the tarosaiba/kafka-train repository.” The name “kafka-train” is just a random name.


The following tools are introduced in this article (all are provided as Docker containers)

Quick Start

Use the following repositories tarosaiba/kafka-train


  • Launch with docker-compose
$ docker-compose up -d


  • Produce message
    • Send simple sequential numbers in shell script (01,02,03,04,05…)
$ ./send_msg.sh 5
{"id":1,"body":"Massage: 01"}
{"id":2,"body":"Massage: 02"}
{"id":3,"body":"Massage: 03"}
{"id":4,"body":"Massage: 04"}
{"id":5,"body":"Massage: 05"}
  • It is also possible to produce a message which you want as follows
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"body":"Test massage"}' \


  • The log in the Consumer container outputs the message which we produced
$ docker logs -f kafka-train_consumer_1
Kafka Broker -  kafka:9092
Kafka topic -  test_topic
subscribed to topic  test_topic
waiting for event...
Message Massage: 01
waiting for event...
Message Massage: 02
waiting for event...
Message Massage: 03
waiting for event...
Message Massage: 04
waiting for event...
Message Massage: 05
waiting for event...

Introduction of each tool

Main tools

You can’t start without these. They are containers for Zookeeper and Kafka. If you want Kafka to access the server IP, be careful how you use KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME!

Poducer & Consumer

I made it easy in go to run Kafka Producer and Consumer as a set. Producer is an API server that produces messages to Kafka when you throw messages to the /kafka endpoint. Consumre is a simple way to consume messages and output them to standard output.


I made a simple Docker image of “Burrow”, which is often used as a Kafka monitoring tool, to run in a container. Returns Kafka information via RestAPI. This Burrow also allows you to get the Consumer group’s lag. It can be used as follows

# list topic
$ curl localhost:8888/v3/kafka/local/topic
{"error":false,"message":"topic list returned","topics":["__consumer_offsets","test_topic"],"request":{"url":"/v3/kafka/local/topic","host":"2fb74ea6b81d"}}

# list consumer
$ curl localhost:8888/v3/kafka/local/consumer
{"error":false,"message":"consumer list returned","consumers":["burrow-local","test-group"],"request":{"url":"/v3/kafka/local/consumer","host":"2fb74ea6b81d"}}

Here is the documentation on what endpoints are available Burrow-HTTP-Endpoint

Other management tools

These are tools that I have used and found useful. (I did not create these tools.)

kafka topic allows you to view messages Produced in Kafka in a GUI. It is easy to see A tool called kafka-rest is used to retrieve messages in Kafka, so it is necessary to run with.


kafka-manager is useful for viewing Consumer group information, including Commit offset and lag



These are useful tools for development and testing around Kafka. I encourage you to use them!

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